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The Adaptive Metrics Center
AMC Releases White Paper on Balanced Scorecard Developments and Challenges
October 9, 2006-- As the years have passed, the Balanced Scorecard, in some sense of this phrase, has been adopted on a worldwide basis. But the variations in conceptualizing and implementing it are so great that it is not always clear what, exactly, is being adopted and whether an intervention using the name "balanced scorecard" is having the impact its sponsors have envisioned. AMC has released this White Paper to provide a retrospective on the Balanced Scorecard, and an overview of its successes and problems. Both are necessary background for an understanding of other AMC efforts to come. Joseph M. Firestone, managing Director and CEO of AMC had this to say about the White Paper.
"This paper shows that in spite of the rapid spread of Balanced Scorecard implementations, and software tools for supporting them, the evidence doesn't yet show that these implementations are broadly successful. The problem of impact needs to be addressed by meeting the following challenges: lack of concreteness in targets, conceptual incompleteness, weaknesses in measurement modeling, and weaknesses in impact modeling and evaluation research. The 3rd Stage of Balanced Scorecard development, hopefully, will do that."
The White paper is